Music Video - We Need Your Help!

You may have noticed a new section added to the navigation of entitled This section is dedicated to our latest music video production. Here's the gist, we're putting together (what we think will be) a really cool music video. One of things that will make it cool is that it will feature a ton of people.

MVP_girl.jpgThis is where you come in. Since we need a lot of people to make this happen, we are reaching out to our friends, families, fans, and asking everyone to reach out to their friends and family, etc etc. At this point we are simply creating a list of interested people. You don't need any experience with anything. We urge you to add your name to the list. It will be a huge help, and you'll get to be in a cool music video.

Click on the link to learn more and add your name to the list. Please don't be shy, just throw your name in the ring. You're not committing to anything at this point.